West Cottage and Park View

West Cottage and Park View Cottages pre-date the 1841 Tithe Map and were included in the property acquired by Farmer Baily from Mrs Harbroe (formerly Burgess, formerly Farrant) in 1822. In 1841, they still formed part of the Hall Place Estate (owner William Smith, step-father to Thomas Farmer Baily).  The windows of these cottages are of similar design and, according to Lawrence Biddle, may have been rebuilt in the early years of the 19th century.

Although there are now two cottages, there were originally three.  The 1870 Sales Particulars describe them as three cottages being under one roof, brick board and tiled, with ornamental barge boards.  At the time of the 1872 Drainage Report, they were owned by a Mr Stenton and occupied by Mr Hounson, Mr Stevens and Mr Woodford.  The Report states “One stack pipe at front, discharging into an open channel.  Gutters at back in bad condition.  Four downpipes at back, made of wood and quite decayed.  Three of these discharge into water butts and the fourth merely on to the ground.  Pipes through wall from sinks running in outside channels into cesspools.  Three common privies here, ‘but men from Wheelwrights use these in common with house people’.

Joyce Field (August 2021)